Triggers reference

Here you can find the reference for the triggers you can use in Kanzi Studio. To learn more about triggers, see Using triggers.

General triggers
Button triggers
Toggle button triggers
State manager triggers
Animation triggers
Keyboard triggers
Scroll view triggers
Drag-and-drop manipulator triggers
Pan manipulator triggers
Pinch manipulator triggers
List box triggers
Prefab triggers
Range triggers

General triggers

You can use the general triggers in Kanzi Studio with any nodes to create interactions based on user input.

Name Description
Click Click trigger is set off when the user presses down and then releases in the node area while the pointer is still within the node area.
Click Begin Click Begin trigger is set off when the user presses down in the node area.
Click Cancel Click Cancel trigger is set off:
  • When the user first presses down in the node area, then moves the pointer outside of the node area, and lifts the pointer.
  • When the user sets off a Long Press trigger.
Click Enter Click Enter trigger is set off:
  • When the user presses down in the node area.
  • When the user presses down in the node area, moves the pointer outside of the node area, and then moves the pointer back to the node area while still holding down the pointer.
Click Leave Click Leave trigger is set off:
  • When the user presses down in the node area and then lifts the pointer.
  • When the user sets off a Button: Long Press trigger.
  • When the user presses down in the node area and then moves the pointer outside of the node area.
Double Click Double Click trigger is set off when the user double-clicks in the node area.
See Using the multi-click manipulator.
Long Press Long Press trigger is set off when the user presses down in the node area and holds the node pressed for 500 milliseconds or the amount of milliseconds set by the LongPressManipulator::setPressDuration function of the LongPressManipulator manipulator attached to that node.
See Using the long-press manipulator.
On Attached On Attached trigger is set off when Kanzi attaches the node to the scene graph.
On Property Change On Property Change trigger is set off when the set property value changes.
On Timer On Timer trigger is set off between the time interval you set in the trigger.

Button triggers

You can use the button triggers for the Button nodes. For example, you can set the application to navigate to a Page when the user presses the button or change the appearance of the button based on user input.

Name Description
Button: Cancel

Button: Cancel trigger is set off:

  • When the user first presses down the button, then moves the pointer outside of the button area, and lifts the pointer.
  • When the user sets off a Button: Long Press trigger.
Button: Click Button: Click trigger is set off when the user presses down and then releases the button while the pointer is still within the button area.
Button: Down Button: Down trigger is set off when the user presses down the button.
Button: Enter

Button: Enter trigger is set off:

  • When the user presses down the button.
  • When the user presses down the button, moves the pointer outside of the button area, and then moves the pointer back to the button area while still holding down the pointer.
Button: Leave

Button: Leave trigger is set off:

  • When the user presses down the button and then lifts the pointer.
  • When the user presses down the button and then moves the pointer outside of the button area.
  • When the user sets off a Button: Long Press trigger.
Button: Long Press Button: Long Press trigger is set off when the user presses down the button and holds the button pressed for the amount of milliseconds defined in the Hold Interval property of that button.

To learn more about the Button triggers, see Using the Button nodes.

Toggle button triggers

You can use the toggle button triggers with the Toggle Button nodes. For example, you can create a navigation bar with toggle buttons which navigate between Page nodes in the application.

Name Description
Button: State Toggled Button: State Toggled trigger is set off when the toggle state of the button changes.
Toggle Button: Toggled Off Toggle Button: Toggled Off trigger is set off when the toggle button is toggled off.
Toggle Button: Toggled On Toggle Button: Toggled On trigger is set off when the toggle button is toggled on.
Toggle Button Group: Toggled Toggle Button Group: Toggled trigger is set off when the toggle state of a toggle button in a toggle button group changes.

To learn more about the Toggle Button triggers, see Using the Toggle Button nodes.

State manager triggers

You can use the state manager triggers with state managers. For example, you can set the application to play an animation or execute a script when a state manager enters a state.

Name Description
Entered State Entered State trigger is set off when the state manager enters a state.
Left State Left State trigger is set off when the state manager leaves a state.

To learn more about using state managers, see:

Animation triggers

You can use the animation triggers with animations. For example, you can set the application to navigate to a Page or enter a state when an animation has finished playing.

Name Description
Animation Playback Completed Animation Playback Completed trigger intercepts the message an Animation Player sends when it plays an animation to the end.
Animation Playback Started Animation Playback Started trigger intercepts the message an Animation Player sends when it starts the playback of an animation.
Animation Playback Stopped Animation Playback Stopped trigger intercepts the message an Animation Player sends when it stops the playback of an animation.
Interpolation Completed Interpolation Completed trigger intercepts the message a Property Target Interpolator sends when it finishes interpolating the value of the property it interpolates.

To learn more about creating keyframe animations, see:

To learn more about using the Property Target Interpolator, see:

To learn more about using the Property Driven Animation Player, see Creating property driven animations.

Keyboard triggers

You can use the keyboard triggers to create interaction with the keyboard. For example, you can set the application to navigate to a page or execute a script that sets focus to a node when the user presses a specific key on their keyboard.

Name Description
Key Down Key Down trigger is set off when the user presses a specific key on their keyboard.
Key Up Key Up trigger is set off when the user releases a specific key on their keyboard.

To learn more about using the keyboard triggers, see Tutorial: Use keyboard input to navigate your application.

Scroll view triggers

You can use the scroll view triggers with the Scroll View nodes. For example, you can set the application to enter a state or change the value of a property when the user starts to scroll or stops scrolling a scroll view.

Name Description
Scroll Ended Scroll Ended trigger is set off when the scroll position of a scroll view has finished changing.
Scroll Started Scroll Started trigger is set off when the scroll position of a scroll view starts to change.
Scroll Zoomed Scroll Zoomed trigger is set off when the zoom level of a scroll view changes.
Scrolled Scrolled trigger is set off when the scroll position of a scroll view changes.
Snap Request Snap Request trigger is set off when a scroll view requests a snapping target from its hosting component.
User Scroll Ended User Scroll Ended trigger is set off when the user stops scrolling a scroll view.
User Scroll Started User Scroll Started trigger is set off when the user starts to scroll a scroll view.

To learn more about using the Scroll View nodes, see:

For an example of how to use the Scroll View nodes, see:

Drag-and-drop manipulator triggers

Use the Drag and Drop Manipulator triggers to react to the drag-and-drop gesture. For example, you can set the appearance of a node when the user drags and drops that node.

Name Description
Drag and Drop Finished Drag and Drop Finished trigger is set off when the user ends the drag-and-drop gesture by lifting their finger or releasing the mouse button.
Drag and Drop Moved Drag and Drop Moved trigger is set off when the user drags the node with the drag-and-drop gesture.
Drag and Drop Started Drag and Drop Started trigger is set off when the user presses the node long enough for the input manipulator to recognize the drag-and-drop gesture.

To learn more about using the drag-and-drop manipulator, see Using the drag-and-drop manipulator.

Pan manipulator triggers

Use the Pan Manipulator triggers to react to the pan gesture. For example, you can set the appearance of a node when the user pans that node.

Name Description
Pan Finished Pan Finished trigger is set off when the user ends the pan gesture by lifting their finger or releasing the mouse button.
Pan Moved Pan Moved trigger is set off when the user moves a node with the pan gesture.
Pan Started Pan Started trigger is set off when the user clicks or taps a node but does not yet drag that node.

To learn more about using the pan manipulator, see Using the pan manipulator.

For an example of how to use the pan manipulator, see the Gestures example.

Pinch manipulator triggers

Use the Pinch Manipulator triggers to react to the pinch gesture. For example, you can set the appearance of a node when the user zooms and rotates the node using the pinch gesture.

Name Description
Pinch Finished Pinch Finished trigger is set off when the user ends the pinch gesture by lifting their fingers.
Pinch Moved Pinch Moved trigger is set off when the user zooms or rotates the node with the pinch gesture.
Pinch Started Pinch Started trigger is set off when the user touches the node with two fingers.

To learn more about using the pinch manipulator, see Using the pinch manipulator.

For an example of how to use the pinch manipulator, see the Gestures example.

List box triggers

You can use the list box triggers with the List Box nodes. For example, you can set the application to navigate to a Page when the user selects an item in a List Box node.

Name Description
trigger is set off when an item in a list box node is hidden.
List Box: Item Selected List Box: Item Selected trigger is set off when the user selects an item in a list box.
List Box: Item Visible List Box: Item Visible trigger is set off when an item in a list box becomes visible.
List Box: Target Changed List Box: Target Changed trigger is set off when a list box gets a new target item.

To learn more about using the List Box nodes, see:

For an example of how to use the List Box nodes, see:

Prefab triggers

You can use the prefab triggers with prefabs. You can use a Prefab View node to load resources asynchronously from a prefab in the project.

Name Description
Asynchronous Load Completed Asynchronous Load Completed trigger is set off when the asynchronous loading of resources from a prefab has been finished.

To learn more about loading prefabs asynchronously, see Using prefabs.

Range triggers

You can use the range triggers with components which use range properties. For example, you can set the application to set off an action when the user changes the value of a slider.

Name Description
Range Concept: Value Change Finished Range Concept: Value Change Finished trigger is set off when the range value has finished changing.
Range Concept: Value Change Started Range Concept: Value Change Started trigger is set off when the range value starts to change.
Range Concept: Value Changed Range Concept: Value Changed trigger is set off when the range value changes.

See also

Using triggers

Actions reference

Handling user input